Thursday, February 18, 2010

New books for a new year

This year the reading group is excited about doing some writing in relationship to the books we've been reading. Even in prison, the reading group participants are effected by the economic recession, the stalemate in congress and the state of the health care bill. All these topics come up in discussion, even though they are not always in the readings.
One of the reading group participants, Isreal, wrote this, of our recent reading Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzales:

"When I think of Latinos or Hispanics, I think of all the people of Latin America. Though I am Mexican, born in Mexico, I consider them all my people. This book in its description and accounts of the different Latin American nations, helped me identify more with "my people". Further, I felt angry at the treatment and discrimination my people have experienced, yet proud at how we have endured. Anyone who wishes to get a better understanding of the history of the struggle of Latinos in this country, understand where we stand today, and is interested in the exciting potential of our people, needs to read this book."

Every few months we screen a video instead of doing a reading. The next video we'll see is :

and our next readings are :

If you have these books, are done with them and can donate, we would be grateful!
Thank you to Suzanne Linder and Jay Schubert for their recent donation!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sarah, thanks for posting these thaoughts. More people should know about the struggles especially if they are Latinos. It is a great book.